Tuesday, June 19, 2007


the interns just called us to tell us that they were3 driving like onehundred km per hours and the back whell just fell of, i mean all of it like everything just so ya know. but they are all o.k. all they did is drag it a bit. so wow,hu? Please pray for them!


Krista said...

sweet blog! i added a link to my blog :) how was your last day of school? did you get to wear something fun for being an honour student? i'll see you this afternoon!! lata

Unknown said...

Hi Jacob! I didn't know you had a blog! I was on Krista's blog and saw the link to yours...very cool! I'm proud of you for doing it!

Thanks so much for coming over to Caleb's baptism last week - it was fun to have you and your mom and dad there for it since you've been in our lives like FOREVER!

Can't wait for vacation together!

Love, Connie

author said...

DUED! That is like really BAD. O and you should work up on your spelling, you wrote were3 when it is properly written were. You also wrote the word wheel as whell. And you didn't start out in BIG letters. Oh and i hope you don't mind i linked you to my blog.