Thursday, July 26, 2007


HI Guys!!! Sorry i haven't posted anything new for a long time but i, well, did not fell like it! Sorry!!! Ill try to keep up better now! Um, so i just got back from Krakow, a proud owner of a new set of flower sticks (for those of you who don't know, that's my hobby, and when i see you, and if i have them with me ill show you). See my old ones got( i think) stolen when i was at slot, either that or i lost them, but the second one is highley unlikely. Tomorow Caleb Patty is coming over so that well be fun! OK gotta go! BYBY


author said...

Sweet blog! Hey if you read my then you should know that we have the same template. But don't worry today i am changing my template. Oh and by the way I had the template first. I think.

author said...

You wright on your blog really early in the morning.

Alice Robbins said...

Love your blog! Hope your vacation goes well! I am glad you get to be with your family and friends!

Alice Robbins said...

Dude! Where is your blogging? What happened this summer??