Friday, March 27, 2009

New Friday... Darn...

Well, im at school once more, sitingn on the computers, bored out of my wits. I think that this is the only time I post now a days, and it still is not often enough. I do not like fridays, i think they stink. I now have to start school at seven ten. Its crazy. Thats usually the time I am getting out of bed! But actually, I woke up at six this morning, and I felt fine... until I had my polish language class. I think I fell asleep, but I cant be sure. I dont really remember.
SO, I was at the Runzo's house last week. It was awsome! And I was there without my parents. It was wierd, but I really enjoyed it. Let me explain how I got there. See, mz parents were on a vacation thingz with the other pastor of oor church, his wife, and the elder of our church. They went to Spain, I think... We flew from Krakow to Stansted, London together. From there I just about doubled back and flew to Riga, whereas my parents flew ot Spain. The border gards took my tooth paste and my Deoderant, but other than that I made it whole to Riga. Me and Brennan had a great time! We played on their trampoline, played Wii( mainly Mario Kart), and we made somebody special a goodbye present. It was one of the funest weeks Ive had in a long time. And, one of the most important things about the week, THE FOOD WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don t think i have eaten that much and so well for a long time. It was great! I also had a fun time being with Hayley and Helen. They were part of the overall experiance too, and I was very glad I got to hang out with them too, even if only for a bit. Well, that is what I have been doing lately, and now im back in school. Bu tI have a request for all my Wii playing blog readers. If you have Mario Kart for Wii, please put your enumber o nthis site as a request. I would grately apreciate it. I want to play with people I know.
Well, I will post back soon, I hope,


Claire said...

Who was the somebody special you made a present for??? :D

Claire said...
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