Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Well, hey there!!!
I hope you are all doing well! Im sorry that i didn't write, but i Just haven't... sorry! My house is all decorated, even my room is cleaned up a bit! We are having all of FALA over on friday for a christmasy party thingy! Poles and Americans alike! I might even get my new phine then. My old one is gone.
If you re wondering what book to read, i have a few suggestions... First of all - Pendragon! It rocks, especially if you like fiction. Second i suggest Eragon - I'm re-reading it, and im really enjoying it. Really that is all i have read in the past month or two... No, wait... Artemis Fowl, The whole series! THose books are amazing!
I hope that somebody is reading this... and whoever you are i can't wait to see you!
Ill post again soon... Hopefully....

1 comment:

Alice Robbins said...

It has been way too long, dude! I miss you very much! I cannot wait until next month when we can hang out!
Great blog!

Auntie Alice