Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hey Yo!!!

Hey guys!!! I think i might be able to keep up with this thing now, so i might as well try. I'm sitting at school right now, waiting for my french class to begin, in about an hour, AUGH!!!!!!!
Butt migh tas well make the best of the time. I just wanted to let you guys know that i am still alive and well, and god has been doing a few little things in me. Have you peoples ever thought about how many things God has given us... i mean look at the kids in Asia, They have like no food, no home, many of them not even a family, most of them not knowing God. And here i'm complaining about having to wait an hour so that i can go to school, witch i don't even want to do. Most of those kids would give just about anythiing to be able to go to school. There are so many things to be thankful for, that i just have to stop myself from just praying all night so that i can get some sleep. But after i'm done thanking him for things, then i star asking him to take care of poeple, to bless them, and all sorts of things in that general matter. It's just amazing. You know, i was praying for becca last night, and i raealised just how much she has done for us, and that i'm really going to miss her, like alot!!! It's hard for me to believe she's leaving... SOB!!! For now that's all but I'LL BE BACK!!!

1 comment:

Laurel Jackson said...

Hey Jacob! I totally agree with you Becca has given SO much up for us and I too am going to miss her SO much!