Friday, September 5, 2008

Changes, Changes

Yeah, and speaking of changes... My Blog got a new look... sweet, huh? Another big thing that's changing in my life is how much homework i get. O.K. i know that every year school gets harder and all, but two qiuzes in the second week of school... that's a bit much, now don't you think? But anyways, i'll make it throught just like always, so no worries. Have you ever eaten so much you were ready to burst? well that's what happend to me today at dinner. Ya know, at first i wasn't really hungry, but then my mom made pizza, and eat some, well actually, i ate alot. I almost puked. Wow... But i'm A O.K. now, so agian no worries. AH... Finnaly the weekend is here...The best day of the week... the Weekend... AH...
Hope to comunnicate somehow agian soon. So Long, Farewell, Auf wwiederzen, Godbye... However that goes... Bye

1 comment:

Laurel Jackson said...

Like the change. Nice name!