Friday, October 10, 2008

TV and the weekend.

Hey you guys!!! I just wanted to say that i love the week end! Every week i look forward to the week end as if it was the beginning of summer vacation. The problem with that is that i watch way to much TV, even on normal school days. I'm pretty much addicted to the TV. I can tell myself in the morning that i will not watch any TV that day, but if i do not tell myself that, then i usually watch as much TV as possible. I think that TV is one of the top three drugs of choice in the 21st century, and i think we should fight it! I do not mean to not watch TV, what i mean, is that we should not revert to the TV as soon as we have nothing to do. I know that that is my problem. That, and a lot of times i just do not feel like doing anything else. I pray that no one would have the same problem as i do. I have found that i do not really spend time with my friends, and i really wish i would. So please listen to my warning, and do not watch to much TV.


1 comment:

Krista said...

hahaha. jacob i like reading your blog. keep writing dude :) i don't even have a tv here in dallas, can you believe that? (but we do have a really big media room, like with cool chairs and a projector that we can watch tv and movies on in our 3rd floor longue which is right across the hall from my apt!)

can't wait to see you in canada!